"Phyllis, what's with the pitch-black abyss of nothingness?" Sadly, this page is lacking in images and/or a gallery!

Middleburg is the town where the main trio, Penn, Sashi and Boone, live.
- The Odyssey - an abandoned movie theater where the part-time heroes' Multi Universe Transprojector is set up.
- Fish Stick on a Stick - a restaurant where the part-time villains' MUT is set up.
- Middleburg Central High - the town's high school where Penn, Sashi and Boone.
- Zero family's house - the home of Brock, Vonnie, and Penn. While Brock and Vonnie are trapped in the Most Dangerous World Imaginable, Uncle Chuck, Aunt Rose, and the Chinchilla are currently living there with Penn.
- Rippen's apartment - an apartment in a old building that Rippen lives in.
- Kobayashi family's apartment - an apartment in a newer building that Sylvester, Tia, Sashi, and George live in.
- Wiseman family's house - the home in the suburbs of Mr. Wiseman, Mrs. Wiseman, and Boone.
- Larry Manor - the mansion of Larry.
v • e • d Penn Zero: Part-Time Hero Places and Dimensions