The specs, short for spectacles, are glasses created by Phyllis and Phil that relay the objective of the mission of the dimension to the part-time heroes, via Sashi, and to part-time villains, via Larry.
The specs are able to give importation information to the wearer about the mission and the dimension they are in. As seen with Sashi in "Totally Into Your Body", the specs can also record everything that the wearer sees. In "Larry Manor", the specs are revealed to be able to recieve calls from Phyllis.
No matter what form they take, Sashi and Larry are always wearing their specs, though the rims change color depending on the dimension.
In "Ultrahyperball", it is revealed that the specs can crash and explode when processing too much information.
In "The Kobayashis", Old Man Middleburg, replacing Sashi, is wearing specs in Clown World and those specs also change color, revealing that the specs changing color isn't specific to Sashi and Larry.
In "At the End of the Worlds", Sashi's specs was placed on her trophy in her family trophy shelf, meaning she is no longer wearing her specs and Larry kept them.